Our food bank opened in The Brassey Centre on 8th December 2020. It is open for collection of pre-booked food parcels twice a week, usually:
Tuesday 5-7pm
Saturday 10am-12pm
(please check the calendar for exact dates and times).
Food donations may also be dropped off at these times.
For the location of The Brassey Centre see below.
How to get a food parcel
Please be aware that demand is so great that we can usually only supply to within our parish boundaries, which can be seen here. Download details of other local food banks.
Please be aware that we will only deliver in cases of emergency. You do need to be able to collect your food parcel, or ask someone else to collect it for you, if at all possible.
Food parcels should be requested in one of the following ways:
Phone 07877 074029 (9am-5pm Mon-Sat)
Fill in the form below
How to donate food
Thank you so much for all your generous donations!
We are currently (15th Feb) short of:
Long life full fat and semi skimmed milk
Fruit juice
Tinned meat
Tinned pies
Tinned fish
Tinned fruit
Tinned rice pudding
Tea bags
Tinned vegetables
Jams / marmalade / peanut butter
Washing powder
Washing up liquid
Toilet tissue
Everything else.
Please note that we cannot currently accept perishable items.
If you can help with any of these that would be wonderful. Thank you!
Food can be brought to the Brassey Centre during food bank open times.
BanktheFood App

You can find Aylesford Food Bank on the app BanktheFood. BanktheFood will send you a helpful ‘ping' when you are at your local supermarket with your local food bank's needs. More information.

Could you donate towards the cost of food?
As a guide a food parcel for a family of 4, providing food for about 3 days, costs about £40 (Summer 2024).
Or to pay by mobile phone, scan the QR Code below:

Food Parcel Request Form
Fill this in if you are in need of food or know someone who is
Who is the food parcel for?
You Someone else
Are you able to pick up the parcel from The Brassey Centre during the times given above?
(See map below). Please be aware that we will only deliver in cases of emergency. You do need to be able to collect your food parcel, or ask someone else to collect it for you, if at all possible.
Yes No
Do you live in the parish, or are associated with it (through school, work etc)?
(We ask this question because there may be a food bank nearer to you.)
Yes No
How many people need food:
Number of adults in the family:
Number of children in the family:
Ages of children:
Your contact details:
Personal Information:
Does anyone in your household have (or have had, in the past two weeks) any Covid symptoms?
Yes No
Are you shielding or medically vulnerable?
Yes No
Have you received food provisions from any other organisation locally? Please give details.
Food Requirements
Details of any food allergies or special dietary requirements.
We provide a food parcel that will provide meals for about three days. Please add here if there is anything you urgently need (such as toiletries). We will do our best to provide what we can, but it depends on what we have in stock.
Is there any other information you would like to add?
Data privacy and your information
We will hold your details in line with our privacy policy for no more than 6 months or while we are still offering help. We will not use your details for any other purpose than to carry out what is necessary to respond to your request for food. Do you consent to this?
Yes No
Location of The Brassey Centre