Would you like to help?

Aylesford Church (as people and their lives, not just a building), like many parish churches, is quite a vast and complex organisation, and most of the day to day work behind the life, ministry and buildings of the church is done by volunteers. The sense of working together, to show God's love to all around us, brings much joy, and there are many opportunities for people to share in sustaining and promoting church life.

If you are interested in volunteering to help with anything below, in the first instance, please contact Anita, Church Administrator. 01622 719366 or email.

At the moment (Summer 2024) the things we particularly need help with are ...

Tidying the Old Memorial Garden
Every other Friday afternoon, for a couple of hours, Kieran (and often his mum!) mow the grass and tidy up the Old Memorial Garden area in the churchyard. It's not much fun on their own. Another couple of people would make a huge difference. Would you like to help keep this area, which means so much to people, looking lovely?

Brassey Trust - Trustees Needed
Sadly, we have just lost 3 trustees in a short space of time, which leaves only 4 of us looking after The Brassey Trust, the charity that owns and maintains the Brassey Centre in Aylesford. Could you spare a little time to join the trustees, to look after this important and much loved building? We have lots of plans for making it a vibrant centre for the community. Would you like to help shape up where we go with it?

Brassey Trust - Treasurer Needed
This is pretty urgent. At the moment, this falls to the vicar and that's not good for two reasons - 1 because she's already got lots to do and 2, because she's NOT a treasurer!! Can you count? Keep spreadsheets and tidy records? Maybe even use accounting software? Come to Brassey Trust meetings (about 4 per year)? If so, we would LOVE to hear from you.