Sunday Services

Below, you can see the usual pattern of services in church. We also Zoom from church (at the 10am service). More information about joining in via Zoom. Sometimes the service pattern varies. Please see the calendar for what's happening each Sunday.

We have a children's area in church, and we have a monthly Family Service (see below) but we probably will not be restarting Sunday Club (Sunday School) or anything like it, as we hope to develop family worship at a different time in the week (that fits in better with family schedules!). If you would like more information about this please let us know.

Everyone is welcome at all services, but you may find that the second, fourth and fifth Sundays are easier for children (and for you if you have children with you).

We don't tend to hold services where someone simply 'reads through a service book' with no other explanation or exploration. The nearest to that would be 8am Communion (see below). We try to look at a theme connected to daily life in most services. We hope to provide church for the real world, and you are invited exactly as you are, with your real world joys and challenges. 

Below is the usual service pattern:

First Sunday of the Month

8am | Holy Communion
A spoken service of Communion using more traditional liturgy (Common Worship Order One). For anyone who loves the familiar words and prayers.

10am | Holy Communion
A repeat of the 8am service, but with hymns and music, supported by organist and choir. The words and music vary with the different seasons of the church year. The Bible readings guide us to look at a particular theme for every day living, and that theme will usually be reflected and explained in various ways throughout the service.

Second Sunday of the Month

10am | A Service of the Word with Communion
This is a less formal, more modern service for all ages. It includes Holy Communion (sharing of the bread and wine). There is usually a theme which relates to our current circumstances, the words we use (the liturgy) are up to date and the music is a variety of modern worship songs (reflective as well as lively) and traditional hymns. Sometimes there will be talks, videos, visual aids or guided discussions.

Third Sunday of the Month

8am | Holy Communion
A spoken service of Communion using more traditional liturgy (Common Worship Order One). For anyone who loves the familiar words and prayers.

10am | Holy Communion
A repeat of the 8am service, but with hymns and music, supported by organist and choir. The words and music vary with the different seasons of the church year. The Bible readings guide us to look at a particular theme for every day living, and that theme will usually be reflected and explained in various ways throughout the service.

Fourth Sunday of the Month

10am | Family Service
Again, a less formal, more modern service for all ages. There is no Holy Communion (sharing of the bread and wine) in this. The Aylesford Community Youth Choir takes part in this service. 

11.30am | Short spoken Holy Communion
Held after the 10am service at about 11.30am in the Lady Chapel. This lasts about 15 minutes and is for anyone who would like to stay for Communion after attending the earlier service.

Fifth Sunday of the Month

When there is a fifth Sunday in the month, the type of service may vary. Please see the calendar.

The pattern may most often be:

10am | A Service of the Word
This is a less formal, more modern service for all ages. There is no Holy Communion (sharing of the bread and wine). There is usually a theme which relates to our current circumstances, the words we use (the liturgy) are up to date and the music is a variety of modern worship songs (reflective as well as lively) and traditional hymns. Sometimes there will be talks, videos, visual aids or guided discussions.

11.30am | Short spoken Holy Communion
Held after the 10am service at about 11.30am in the Lady Chapel. This lasts about 15 minutes and is for anyone who would like to stay for Communion after the earlier Service.


After the 10am service, coffee and refreshments are served at the back of church. Sometimes we have breakfast or other refreshments before 10am or between the 8am and 10am services (on 1st and 3rd Sundays). Keep your eye on the calendar. Everyone is invited to stay and join in after the Sunday services for company and conversation.


We meet at:

St. Peter and St. Paul's Church
Church Walk (off Vicarage Close)
ME20 7BB (Map)

There is limited parking available in the churchyard behind the church. If you are mobile and able to park in the village car parks it really helps, as it means those who are less mobile can park closer to church.


There is provision for children at church every Sunday:

Children's Area: Books, puzzles, sensory objects and colouring - an area where you can be with your children. For pre-school and early years children.
Crafts and Activities: At Family Services (4th Sunday) and sometimes other Sundays at 10am, there will be a staffed themed craft/activity table for children.

For more information about what happens regarding children's work please visit the Children and Families page.

Individual Prayer

After Communion at the 10am service on 1st and 3rd Sundays there is the opportunity for prayer if needed - someone will gladly pray for you or with you.

Come and join in!

You can expect a warm welcome, sincere worship, a real-world message and a friendly group of people gathering to learn more about life with God. 

If you have any questions about our Sunday Services or need to get in touch with us about any other enquiry we will be happy to help. Please Contact Us for more information.