Children's Area in Church 

In the children’s area there are fun, colourful books, puzzles, some sensory objects and some colouring sheets and crayons. There is usually an activity sheet for young people, that matches the theme of the week. The idea is that this is an area with objects that help children and young people explore their sense of wonder, i.e. their innate spirituality, and to worship in their own way.

Most Family Services (usually on the 4th Sunday of each month, but check the calendar) include a staffed activity table, with crafts and games that complement the service theme.

Sadly, the children's area is at the side of the church, not at the back thank goodness, but is still a bit too far away from the action. We would much prefer the children to be more part of what's going on, and are always trying to think of ways to make that possible. It's just that the 1000 year old building makes it difficult. A lovely break out room or area would be nice, but unfortunately likely to remain a pipe dream in the current financial circumstances.

You are very welcome to make use of the children's area, and please let us know if you have any ideas about what it should contain.

Children are welcome at all services, but as our service pattern takes into account all ages, have a look at the information about Sunday, to find the services that may be much more interesting to them.