Vicar: Revd Ruth Peet |
Lay Reader: Peter Smith |
I was delighted to become the Vicar of St. Peter and St. Paul's in February 2019. I don't know where the last 6 years have gone, but it has been wonderful being part of life in this community. The pandemic threw us into the unknown, with much anxiety and sadness around, but we found different and better ways of being a church. More than anything else, we've seen clearly that the church is not the building (glorious though our building is), and so we continue to build on this experience, finding more and more opportunities to express the love, grace and mercy of God, inside and outside the church building, in ways that really make a difference for people in our parish communities.
Email | 01622 717434 |
Pastoral Assistant: Janet Holdstock |
Licenced Lay Minister: Charlie Bunker |
My belief in God was nurtured by my Godparents. As a teenager I joined ‘Discoverers’, a church youth group and was confirmed at age 14. I taught in the Sunday school until I began nurse training at Kings in Camberwell Green where, in the early 60s, the chapel was the centre of the hospital. I moved to Kent and nursed at Preston Hall Chest Hospital where I met my husband. We moved into the Legion Village in 1964 where I still live. I became a worshipping member of St Peter and St Paul’s church helping at various church events with my little children and working part-time nights. On retirement I trained as a Pastoral Assistant. From the Bible I learned of the compassion shown by Jesus and that is where my heart is, so like nursing in many ways. My pastoral role includes taking Communion to people in their homes when they cannot travel to church; also leading services in care homes and sheltered homes and leading a home group. I enjoy walking holidays, line dancing and Zumba and especially being with family and friends.
Email | 01622 710083 |
Email | Phone number |
Licenced Lay Minister: Emma Parren |
Bishop's Certificate Holder and Anna Chaplain: Jane Roberts |
I've been coming to Aylesford church for the past 10 (ish) years. It is my parish church and it's such a blessing that it is a very welcoming and friendly church. I became a Christian when I was a teenager and started tackling the important questions in life and found a friend in Jesus and support and wisdom from my church youth group leaders. And I'm still loving learning more and more about the mysteries of faith. I am a Physics teacher and love any of the big mind blowing stuff that science throws at us!! I am married to Steve and we have a daughter, Eloise, who sometimes joins me in church. I have recently become a lay minister and enjoy teaching and exploring God's Word with others. I am also involved in the chaplaincy team at my school.
Email |
I have been coming to St Peter and St Paul’s since I was a baby in 1967. My family all attended church every Sunday and Dad became a lay reader. When I was old enough, I went to Sunday school, sang in the choir, and became a server and verger. At the age of 17, I moved away to Devon. In 1991 I married my husband in St Peter and St Paul’s. My son was born in 1994. Sadly, my husband died in 2002 at a young age, due to illness. My life fell apart, and I lost my faith for a while. My dad and mum helped me re-find my faith. I move back to Kent in 2014 and became involved in church life again. I helped with children’s and young people’s ministry. After completing the Bishop's Certificate, I felt I had a calling to help and support the older generation, so I completed the Anna Chaplaincy course and was commissioned in September 2022 as an Anna Chaplain. I organise the Dementia Cafe we now hold once a month in the Brassey Centre. St Peter and St Paul’s is my second family home.
Email | 07462 682980 |
Churchwarden: Aline Ongley |
Church Administrator: Anita Keays |
I have lived in Eccles for just over 20 years and became a member of the Church in Aylesford soon after moving in. However, I have become a more active member since my retirement as a nurse in May 2010. I am currently one of two churchwardens and have been so for over 3 years. It is a great privilege to be able to offer my services in this way and certainly keeps me occupied. My deepest wish is for the church to have a meaningful presence in the community, and it is a thrill to be involved in such projects as the food bank which started in December 2020. My faith inspires me to want to show the love of God to everyone around us in very practical ways. This is what I believe the teachings of Jesus show us and I sincerely hope that I am in a small way able to be a part of spreading the truth of God’s love for everyone.
Email | 07771 636872 |
Email | 01622 719366 (Tues, Wed, Thur, 9am-2pm) |